We eliminate structural imbalance and compensation patterns to restore the body

We empower people by giving them the tools to be successful and improve biomechanical diagnostics

We enhance the ability to perform by reinforcing proper movement patterns and increasing neurological awareness
REP uses structural and neurological patterning in order to enhance physical well-being and performance. This proprietary method is backed by years of recorded data of biomechanical diagnostics from youth, general population, to professional athletes.

Since 2013 REP has collected data from 124 clients to record how the methodology creates immediate change in:
Hip Rotation:
Average increase of 12.6 degrees
Linear Speed:
Average increase of 1.2 MPH
Vertical Leap:
Average increase of .4 inches

REP has corrected 210 false leg lengths since 2013

Geoff Rose, REP founder, started his career as an intern Strength Coach for Clemson University’s Men’s Basketball Program. Rose was enamored with the competition and intensity, but it wasn’t until he started coaching youth athletes that he realized there was more to being a coach than competition. He saw that breeding confidence and empowering others was the ultimate purpose as a coach. The only question was how to fulfill that purpose for people in different stages of life. Over the last 10 years he has set out to unravel the structural and physiological make up of the human body in order to help those in pain, those who want to perform at a higher level, and those who seem to get in their own way. REP’s philosophy is that if one can see physical improvements in themselves, the perception of self-limitation changes

BIO Geoff Rose
- 2007-2010 Clemson Men’s Basketball- Strength and Conditioning Intern
- 2011-2013 Concordia College Men’s Basketball -Strength and Conditioning Coach
- 2013-present Guy Voyer DO -Osteopathic training curriculum
- 2013-2018 Prime Performance and Development – Co-owner – Posturologist and Neurotherapist
- 2016-present New York Gauchos – Injury Consultant
- 2020 – Present Amen Clinic Certified Brain Health Coach

Darryl Taylor comes from a background of sports. He played Collegiately at the division 3 level. There he gained an understanding of how important the blend of strength training and mobility is for well-being. Darryl set a course to explore the health and wellness field. Studying under Geoff Rose for 2 years in REP's methodology, taking in EXOS education, and studying under Dr. James Benz for corrective exercise. He specializes in mobility as well as conditioning.

BIO Darryl Taylor
Darryl Taylor
2014 – Alfred University Football
2016 – Purchase University – Journalism
2018 Iona Prep Lower school – Football coach
2020 – MYFL – Football coach
2020- Present REP Athletics – Conditioning specialist

Robert Kiernan has a plethora of sports experience playing baseball, football, and basketball throughout his childhood. Rob narrowed his focus in high school to Baseball and football. He had options to play either sport in college, but accepted a baseball scholarship to play at Dominican college. In 2017 he transferred to Lehman College to finish his collegiate baseball career. Throughout his career Kiernan used consistent strength and mobility training to enhance his performance and prevent injuries. He believes he could not have gone as far as he did if he did not engage in a consistent regimen. Rob takes his passion for sports performance and his background in exercise science to be REP’s leading Sports Performance coach.

BIO Robert Kiernan
2016-2017 Dominican College Baseball
2017-2021 Lehman College B.S. in Exercise Science
2018-2021 Lehman College Baseball
2019-Present REP Athletics Sports Performance coach
2021-Present Manhattanville College Master in Physical education

Nicole has ample experience working with youth athletes in a team, small group, and 1 on 1 setting. While she has a technical understanding of movement and strength training she leans on her ability to connect with people for achieving results. Her teaching background has been an inspiration to REP for how we program and organize sessions. She specializes in sports performance and youth mentorship.

BIO Nicole Yanuzzi
2022-Present: Coached LMLL boys and girls, Rye Girls Softball, Darien Little League
2022-Present: Coach Mamaroneck JV Softball
2022 – Present:Coach at REP Athletics
2023-Present: Assistant Director sports program at the Milbrook Club summer camp
2023 – Present: Working at tuckahoe UFSD Elementary school

Neck & Back Pain
Neck & Back Pain


Joint Pain
Joint Pain

Strength Training
Strength Training

Sports Performance Combine training
Sports Performance



Youth Mentorship
Youth Mentorship
Soma is an approach to training that treats the body as an intricate system of moving parts, structurally and neurologically. It respects the fact that a given movement sets off a chain affect putting certain muscles, joints and ligaments into tension, while giving information back to the brain.


2335 Boston Post Road
Larchmont, NY 10538
[email protected]
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