The REP App

The Restore Empower Perform (REP) app helps everyday athletes wash away aches and pains and rejuvenate their bodies. It is a toolbox that will EMPOWER weekend warriors with joint pain protocols that include RESTORATIVE techniques such as self-myofascial release, myofascial stretching, and rehab exercises to not only relieve joint pain, but also increase PERFORMANCE.

How Does It Work?

You can sign up for our Basic plan that provides tested and proven back, neck, knee, shoulder, ankle pain relief protocols.

Each protocol contains, self-myofascial relief techniques, myofascial stretching, rehab exercises, and ELDOA These are all complimented with “follow-along” mobility routines and sport specific warm up and cool downs. 

This plan can help you through

Bulging or herniated discs


Nerve pain

Chronic back stiffness

Chronic neck pain or stiffness


Plantar facsiitis

Ankle sprains

Patella femoral syndrom

Medial, lateral, or posterior knee pain

Hip Displasia

Hip impingement

Scapular winging


The Plan

This plan will be updated weekly with added follow-along routines and phased programming for our protocols. And if you aren’t sure about the execution or understanding of the exercise please send us a video of yourself and we will give you feedback on the techniques. 

This base plan is $15/month

We also offer a customized experience where we build  strength and rehab programs based your particular concerns paired with a 1/2 hour video assessment. The customization will allow us to target your biomechanical discrepancies that contribute to your aches and pains. You can also chat with us if your not sure about the intention or some of the cues for given exercises or programs.

This customized plan is $90/month